Rousing from a tranquil/idle state THIS early during the holiday period is anything but ordinary for me; just not my style but I was held against my will when piano class was pushed forward to 8 in the morning due to the convenience of a certain elder sibling of mine. In preparation for the retreat at Bukit Tinggi on the 27th & 28th, we went to Giant to buy the necessary items. Food, drinks, yada yada yada. Obviously, a truckload of food was placed in our trolley as we wheeled it out but to make matters worse, there were these eyes.. Coming from more than just one angle.. Lingering and gazing into our cart akin they've never seen food before. Kampungnya! Dudes, we don't have a problem. Somehow the thought that it was for an event never really crossed their minds, I just hope that they think we were doing charitable deeds or something. Lol.
Later, we headed to Carrefour to buy some snacks of our own :)

see these cup noodles here,
they sprung up a very "ownagely" conversation.
Kevin: Eh, these noodles for sharing wan ah.. with Maine and all.
Cheryl: Yeah yeah, I know. She's my roommate what.
Kevin: Oh yeah! Well she's my girlfriend!
Cheryl: So what, I'll be sleeping in the same room as her ANYTIME sooner than you will!!
(for those who watch The Big Bang Theory)
Another random joke for the day:
How do you offend a parrot?
Make it repeat after you!
note: must be said in a manner that exudes humour
if not, forget it. lol
Before I forget! I noticed something rather.. Interesting today; funnily intriguing actually.

Totally, completely, utterly,
absolutely, undeniably, extremely, way awesome!
- c h e r
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