Fire? Heat? Nah, it ain't just about the physical flames that blazes and burns in reality.

It was just last week where we watched a movie at CF called Fireproof: Never Leave Your Partner Behind, it revolves around a fireman, Caleb and his wife, Catherine who is a PR person. Both of them weren't believers of the Lord and were going through a rough patch in their marriage; being head over heels was anything BUT evident in their current position as a couple. They were screaming about how one doesn't meet the others needs, throwing a fit when chores at home weren't done and ultimately living a life that didn't reflect their love one another and so on. As time passed, their arguments got worse until the point of considering a divorce, Catherine wanted out and just could not bare it any longer.

They might not look pist at each other in this picture
but I assure you, THEY WERE..
VERY VERY pist indeed.
Coming to know about this situation, Caleb's dad advised him as well as calmed him down and imparted words of wisdom into his life. He urged his son to hang on to his marriage for 40 more days, during which a book was be sent to him requiring him to fulfill certain tasks, Love Dare it was called. This book contained various instructions and orders that one must do willingly and sincerely to make a marriage a success. Even though he was reluctant, Caleb took the book and promised his dad that he would go through the 40 days and will not quit. Easier said than done of course, as challenges and trials stood in his way he overcame them with ease at first but during the latter part, it took so much out of him that he was overwhelmed and down throdden.
Later, Caleb's dad shared his heart with his son, telling him about his struggles in his own marriage and how that 40 days changed their lives and gave them a love great enough to last a lifetime. It was all about the Christ; for His love and sacrifice is without a doubt the greatest mankind has and ever will know.
I'm not going to go on and on about what happened, I mean I could but I won't because I think you guys should check it out for yourselves.
BUT, i can tell you.. They finally became this <3

- c h e r
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