Know how people often say that opposites attract; how very undoubtedly/undeniably true!
Let me give you a crash course on two of my very close buddies, namely Abigail and Jeremy,
(their names form AJ, I KNOWW RIGHT! :D)
Abigail Ngai, the oldest of 3 siblings in the Ngai family is the epitome of all chit-chatting! Born with such fluency and clarity of speech, Abby has always been the one to speak out and make a difference. Talking.. It's not a bad thing at all, really.. UNTIL it comes to her enduring love for korean dramas & entertainment [oh, mercy!], believe it or not, that's when my ears magically develop an extra layer of skin that covers my external auditory meatus and shunts out all of that :) // Moving on, Abby loves pink, Good Day chocolate milk, ballet, happy endings, chic-flicks & lit. A happy and generally optimistic person who looks at life from different perspectives and embraces challenge instead of sitting and sulking about it. Also a very "girl power" type girl who is all about women rights and believes that a girl is perfectly capable of overcoming just about anything the world throws at her and does not necessarily need a man to be whole. Most of all, Abby is w/o a doubt dependable, trustworthy, loyal and all in all a friend for all season :)
Jeremy, who is regularly associated with porn and things of this sort was a pretty young and curious mind I presume *chuckles*. His wacky and sometimes bizarre behavior has often been a trait that most people like about him, he jokes a whole lot and laughs at problems, which is good thing, looking on the bright side of things and all :) // On the other hand, being a writer by nature, he uses his words to express his feelings and emotions as well as to write great essays and posts on his blog. Another way to describe Jeremy, (as Miss Mei puts it) "super-emo-melodramatic-melancholic". He is into PC games that strikes me as a extremely mediocre interest *snickers*, and can go on for hours about this graphic card, about that orange box and about these expansion packs. (Yes, I have been paying attention to your conversations, dude) Jeremy has also been blessed with a listening ear and warmth that comforts and cares for others; he offers help as much as he provides help, really..
As REGULARLY as they don't get along and disagree on things, they too seem to fit in ever so perfectly in each others life. Though they might be worlds apart in character, but they definitely care for each other immensely.

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