Promising myself that I'd work on my CTR more today, I failed to.... disappoint myself once more Xp.. Haha! I went out with Lee Yee, Bubu and G who just came to give moral support and spend time with us afterwards. Yesterday, we initially had plans to work on our assignment at Pyramid but abandon ship after thinking about the cab problem and that it was pretty far and far too noisy. So, Gardens it was. Believe it or not, we spent about 3 solid hours, doing nothing but researching and working on our assignment. Well, there were a few minutes of using facebook and msn but we got quite a fair bit covered [proud of us *beams*]
Starbucks was unusually quiet today, we didn't have of a much problem with the atmosphere. Not much hustle bustle, up and down like the norm. Besides the occasional poofing sounds of the latte machines; it was all good :) // Caffeine did a good job in keeping us awake and alert after a while of course, how could we have done it on our own? Haha! Btw, G was DEAD BORED! Asking "can you all faster abit ah?" every once in a while, can't blame the fella I guess, sitting and just watching us do work. Wheeee? Haha!
Oh yeah, assignment work went pretty well but that's not what I'm here to talk about. I just found out, that I ain't half bad a bowler :D.. We went to Cosmic Bowl after work time, just to chill out and guess what, it was like some light-blinding-music-booming atmosphere. Disco lights, glow in the dark bowling balls, techno music and laughters of people mocking their friends when their bowling balls headed for the "drains". G, Lee Yee and I played only because Bubu had to meet a friend after, so yeah. This is how it went down:

G, being the only male species amongst us; was in the lead.
I wasn't far behind no? :)
and TRUST ME, Lee Yee was just warming up!

This was how it looked like at the end of round one,
yeah yeah, G had a strike, i know i know.
But you know what,
God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble[s] Xp

This was round two, some comeback huh?
Btw, not to sound totally blonde but
"I broke a nail while playing." Xp
Well, for what it's worth..
- c h e r
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