Weeks and weeks we've waited for this day! *chuckles*
Everyone was pretty down ever since the whole PD trip was cancelled due to.... errr, nobody really knew what but we came up with a solution, FAST. We meaning Bowie, Jeremy, Zaf and myself decided to go to Sunway Lagoon instead // not too far, not too near, but sweet enough of an escape ;) // After all, it's each others company that mattered most and not where we were headed. Settling payments and transportation was way simpler than I thought it would be, considering we're quite indecisive people and all, hee!
That morning, we had another faithful comrade accompanying us on our trip, Anthony. Anthony is Bowie's friend who does kick boxing, guitar playing and is from Kepong High [yeah, that part I don't like so much, Xp] We warmed up real quick and all became friends with each other, he seem to appeal to Jeremy most, with Dota, Demigod and what not. Lol.. So after breakfast, Anthony drove us to Pyramid where we were well ahead of time and just wandered about. Soon, the ticketing counters were full, or overflowing if i may; rows and rows of people were already there so we quickly ran across the road and "ploughed" as Jeremy would call it.
The rest is history :)

all photos curtesy of bubu tiong.
- rest of the photos on facebook
Notice there aren't any pictures of us IN Sunway Lagoon? Something happened, actually lots happened which I am not at liberty to discuss, you know..
whatever happens in Sunway Lagoon, stays in Sunway Lagoon.
- c h e r
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