Every wee little thing that goes on in Cheryl's life: The truth about herself, plans of the future, desires & wishes and the journey she has begun into this big ol world //
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8 & 6 |
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He protects me |
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ye olde venting |
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the desire to always know |
You could call me a liar if I said wasn’t feeling any kind of pressure ever since the semester began, week two is barely in and already I am feeling it; the pressure that is. Three different assignments are already up on bb7! Of which I’ve yet to really get cracking on some more. I feel as if the water level is rising above me so quickly that I can barely catch a breath [funny coming from someone who can't swim, lol] Oh God, take me now! Sorry for the drama queen outburst but it is a little intimidating, I must say. I’m the kind of person who fears the unknown, A LOT. The fear of not knowing is almost as serious as my phobia of frogs, I can’t help but w.a.n.t to know what comes subsequently, just so I can prepare for it or be aware of God knows what if it comes flying toward me and because of that undying desire to know, would probably lose countless hours of preciously sleep just second guessing the various outcomes of the upcoming events or just the upcoming events itself. *Sigh*, I always want to know.
- c h e r